New Qualcomm SDK to Support Commercialization of IoT Solutions Using LTE Connectivity

Qualcomm Technologies has released a new LTE IoT Software Development Kit (SDK) for its MDM9206 LTE IoT global multimode modem. The new SDK is designed to assist original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), application and solution developers, new IoT entrants and other non-traditional ecosystem players in the creation of new cellular-enabled IoT applications, products and solutions – accessing the power of the application processor, connectivity, GNSS capabilities and peripheral interfaces integrated in the MDM9206 LTE IoT modem.

Along with the recently announced Qualcomm wireless edge services which are being developed to help provide a set of trusted services for enterprise and IoT cloud providers; the new LTE IoT SDK is part of the company’s overall efforts to address some of the key challenges within IoT. The SDK is designed to support developers while they run custom software on the integrated 1.3 GHz Cortex A7 CPU within the MDM9206 LTE IoT modem, as well as to provide developers with access to Qualcomm’s extensive suite of software and tools which are designed to make available some of the additional capabilities of the modem, such as GNSS. The integrated CPU within the modem also is designed to help eliminate the need for an external microcontroller, which is anticipated to help improve cost-efficiency, battery life and device security.

The MDM9206 has pre-integrated support for many cloud platforms, including Alibaba Cloud Link One, China Mobile OneNET, DTSTON DTCloud, Ericsson IoT Accelerator, Gizwits and Verizon ThingSpace. The SDK is designed to allow developers to extend this further and develop support for other major IoT cloud providers. Using hardware modules featuring the LTE IoT modem, along with the new SDK, is expected to help OEMs and developers address a vast array of the existing and emerging cellular-connected use cases for commercial and industrial IoT such as smart metering, smart gateways, asset tracking and more.

The MDM9206 modem is a purpose-built solution designed to support global multimode capabilities, including both eMTC (Cat M1) and NB-IoT (Cat NB-1), as well as 2G/E-GPRS. It, along with the new LTE IoT SDK, is designed to facilitate the development of cost-effective, low-power devices designed for multi-year battery life and greater coverage compared to traditional LTE. To date, nearly 90 designs are using the modem with global multimode support for LTE categories M1 and NB1.

The new LTE IoT SDK is expected to be available in the first half of this year. Qualcomm will also be demonstrating the new product at Mobile World Congress 2018 to be held in Barcelona from 26 Feb – 01 March.

Click here to know more about Qualcomm's LTE IoT Evolution.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   LTEGNSSCellularIoT


  • Country: United States
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