Kymeta Demonstrates its Satellite Connectivity Solutions at MWC 2018

Kymeta, an innovative satellite antenna company that eliminates the need for traditional satellite dishes, is demonstrating how satellites can enable always-connected mobile communications through hybrid satellite and cellular network solutions. They are showcasing this technology with their partner, Intelsat at the Mobile World Congress 2018.

Attendees witnessed multiple use cases that demonstrated Kymeta's antennas based on metamaterials. Their presence in Barcelona signals a shift in the global communications conversation, from cellular interoperability within cities to seamless connectivity between cities, and across multiple industries.

Kymeta’s mTenna technology, KyWay terminals and KALO access services provide seamless connectivity for cars, trucks, buses, off-road vehicles, vessels, RVs, trains, and cellular networks. Cellular infrastructure set up by mobile carriers provides seamless connections within city limits, however there are gaps in this network between cities. Many operators can not justify the cost of setting up large scale network infrastructure between cities. This is where Kymeta comes in. They are working to offer mobile carriers the ability to provide a broader connected experience, along with business continuity, extended networks, and backhaul support.

Kymeta is showcasing how gaining access to satellite networks will fill communication gaps and provide a full end-to-end solution for a seamless connected experience. True mobility in which cars, trains, buses, and trucks remain connected through a hybrid network approach means on-the-move vehicular software updates, and increased safety and security for drivers and passengers.

At Mobile World Congress Kymeta was discussing IoT applications including construction site administration, cargo tracking, agriculture, asset tracking, mining operations, fleet operations and more.

Kymeta solutions positively impact every industry and community with a need to connect to the internet. The company seeks to bring communities together where the lack of communications solutions has been a roadblock to participation in the global economy. The demonstration in booth OA3A.24 during Mobile World Congress will feature two use cases for seamless communications. The first demonstration features Coca-Cola’s EKOCENTER kiosk, and shows how Kymeta can support internet access for remote communities and enable access to information, education, healthcare, and a host of other social and economic opportunities. The second demonstration will show how reliable connectivity is provided for first responders and disaster relief efforts, both in remote areas and when communications become unavailable after a natural disaster, providing a crucial means of getting resources to where they are needed the most.

Kymeta is demonstrating the power and purpose of its seamless connectivity at Mobile World Congress with its Mobile Rapid Response Vehicle. The solutions are designed for fast deployment, and reliable connectivity for first responders when other infrastructure is unavailable or has failed. The value of the solution was recently experienced when Kymeta personnel were deployed to assist Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

Publisher: everything RF