Micro Harmonics to Develop Cryogenic-Rated Isolators for NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab

Micro Harmonics IsolatorsNASA's Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) has awarded Micro Harmonics a new NASA SBIR contract for the development of millimeter-wave isolators optimized for cryogenic applications. The initial development of cryogenic isolators will be done in WR-10 (75-110 GHz) with the ulitmate goal to expand the product line to include cryogenic options in all bands from WR-12 (60-90 GHz) to WR-3.4 (220-325 GHz).

Micro Harmonic was founded in 2008 as a specialized research and design consultancy firm for microwave, millimeter-wave, and sub-millimeter-wave components. In 2015 they were awarded a NASA Phase I SBIR contract and subsequently Phase II SBIR contract to develop an advanced line of Faraday rotation isolators and circulators in bands from WR-15 through WR-3.4 (50 GHz to 330 GHz).

Using sophisticated impedance matching and mode control techniques they have demonstrated a WR-15 circulator with more than 6 GHz bandwidth from 58-64 GHz, which is three times the bandwidth of any other commercial product. In WR-12 they developed and demonstrated circulators covering the bands 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz. In WR-10 their circulator covers a 5 GHz bandwidth from 90-95 GHz and in WR-8 we have demonstrated 5 GHz bandwidth from 115-120 GHz. All their products exhibit state-of-the-art performance in terms of low-insertion loss, low port reflections, high isolation, and broad-bandwidth.

Click here to see the RF Isolator Product range from Micro Harmonics.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   IsolatorNASA