European GNSS Agency Accepting Proposals for Development of Galileo-enabled Multi-frequency Antenna

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is now accepting proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism to develop a Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antenna. The activity shall also focus on developing a close-to-market GNSS antenna for both mass-market and professional users. The deadline for submissions is 08 March 2019.

The Galileo Constellation is already operational, with 26 satellites in orbit. And, with Galileo satellites working together with other constellations, there are more GNSS satellites available for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) than ever before. Users are already able to profit from a significant improvement in terms of signal availability, especially in harsh environments, such as urban canyons.

The modernization of existing and the arrival of new GNSS systems mean also that there are more frequencies available. Both mass market and professional applications stand to benefit from the improved positioning and navigation derived from this multi-frequency. However, this creates the need for antennas that can support a wider bandwidth. Enabling multi-frequency capabilities requires the antenna to cope, on one hand, with higher bandwidth requirements and, on the other, with the constraints imposed by the platform on which the antenna operates.

Meanwhile, recent advances in GNSS antenna technology are enabling higher flexibility and adaptability, and the future trend is towards the development of multi-purpose antennas that can be used in different platforms and applications. For example, two user-segments that can clearly benefit from these advances are the mass-market for dual-frequency GNSS chipsets (smartphones, portable devices), and the professional market associated with future autonomous vehicles (cars, drones, ships, trains, and tractors).

The objective of this call for proposals is to further develop Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antennas, close to market, for mass-market and professional applications. The proposal aims at launching up to two projects to develop, test and assess advanced multi-frequency, multi-constellation antennas dedicated to these user groups. In particular, the project aims to develop and test advanced antenna technology that is:

  • Capable of coping with at least the frequencies L1/E1, L5/E5 and E6 (except for the mass market, where at least L1/E1 and L5/E5 should be used);
  • Multi-constellation (Galileo and GPS, as a minimum), including additional innovations at the antenna level optimized for one or more mass-market and professional applications; and
  • Commercially ready with a competitive cost. 

On 27 November 2018, a webinar on the Fundamental Elements Call “Multi-frequency multipurpose antenna for Galileo” will be held to provide applicants with additional information and guidance on how to prepare a proposal. Click here to register.

Fundamental Elements Call: At a glance

  • Market segment: Transversal
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 08 March 2019
  • Expected signature of contract: August to October 2019
  • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 2.800.000
  • Maximum number of projects: 2
  • EU financing amount for each of the two projects: up to EUR 2.800.000 (70% co-funding)
  • Webinar date: 27 November 2018
Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaGNSS