u-blox Files Lawsuit Against Interdigital, Demands FRAND Licensing Terms

u-blox has filed a lawsuit against Interdigital Inc. in the United States District Court for Southern California in order to obtain a fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) license to Interdigital's 2G, 3G and 4G patents.

According to Thomas Seiler, CEO of u-blox, their company respects the intellectual property rights of others and has always been and continues to be a willing licensee to standard essential patents (SEPs). They have therefore asked a court to review and determine the FRAND rate for the patents held by Interdigital. u-blox is a committed licensor for the benefit of customers, company and shareholders and believes that their willingness to license also positively distinguishes them within the module industry.

Concurrent to filing the lawsuit, u-blox has also asked the court for an immediate Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and preliminary injunction against Interdigital to avoid any disruption to its existing business relationships.

Publisher: everything RF