Antenova Introduces Thin REFLECTOR Antenna for Metal Surfaces

Antenova has unveiled a new version of its award-winning REFLECTOR antenna that can operate on and close to metal surfaces. The new antenna which is only 1.6mm thick is named Magna, part number SR4I051, and operates in the ISM 868/915 bands and has been designed for industrial IoT markets - in particular for lighting applications.

Antenova’s new patented REFLECTOR antennas are thinner than other antennas that would usually be mounted on a metal surface. They use two electrical layers, one isolated from the other, which enables the antenna to radiate on a metal surface or housing where it is usually extremely difficult for an antenna to operate. The company’s first REFLECTOR antenna for smart cities attracted acclaim at Embedded World 2018 when it won the Embedded Hardware Award, one of only three awards given for innovations at that show. Antenova’s winning antenna is Robusta for the 1559-1609 MHz bands.

The new Magna antenna operates at ISM frequencies at 868/915 MHz and is designed for applications in industrial IoT and smart buildings. It comes with a cable and an IPEX connector and has an adhesive underside to fix its position inside a device.

Most smart building and smart city applications need antennas for control. Antennas are used in switches and dimmers in commercial and residential property, and also in street lighting, traffic control and security. The market is expected to expand steadily as the impact of energy consumption on the environment is better understood and people turn to smart energy saving systems. US Analysts (Global Market Insights Inc. 12 April 2018) estimate that the Smart Lighting Market could grow at a CAGR of over 20% from 2018 to reach $24Bn in 2024.

Antenova is showing samples of the Magna antenna at CES 2019. The antennas will also be on view at the Embedded World exhibition in Nuremberg in February. To know more, click here.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaIoT


  • Country: United Kingdom
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