New Mesh Solution for Building Automation Uses u-blox Bluetooth Module

u‑blox, along with wireless solutions provider, LumenRadio, have decided to combine their technologies to enable a new building automation solution. Developed by Produal, based in Finland, the new wireless Produal Proxima combines the u‑blox NINA‑B1 module and LumenRadio's embedded operating system, MiraOS to increase flexibility and ease of installation. By offering a gateway to the cloud, it facilitates the development of new cloud‑based building automation solutions. With the release of the wireless solution, Produal has taken the next step of building automation measurement and control and taking the lead into the wireless future.

Produal Proxima builds on wireless mesh sensors that communicate over LumenRadio’s MiraOS, capable of robustly connecting hundreds of wireless nodes – sensors, actuators, gateways. The self healing network is designed to continue to perform when individual nodes fail, and can easily be adapted when building layouts change. Multihop technology ensures that signals are transmitted across the entire network, guaranteeing coverage regardless of a building’s architecture.

LumenRadio’s patented Cognitive Coexistence technology ensures that communication is carried out on the least crowded and most optimal frequencies at any given time, increasing the reliability of the solution. FOTA (firmware‑over‑the‑air) updates via the u‑blox NINA‑B1 module ensure that all nodes in the network always run the latest firmware, future proofing and securing the entire solution.

The fact that LumenRadio’s flexible MiraOS can be adapted to any radio hardware on any frequency band gave Produal the flexibility to choose hardware optimized to their application. Produal opted to use the u‑blox NINA module for wireless communication, convinced by its high performance, cost efficiency, and small footprint. It is a stand‑alone Bluetooth low energy module with a powerful Arm Cortex-M4 microcontroller unit. Thanks to the module’s state‑of‑the‑art power performance, the wireless nodes have a battery life of over eight years, limiting maintenance to a minimum.

The Proxima solution is being showcased at ISH 2019 - the world’s leading trade fair for HVAC + Water in Frankfurt from March 11‑15 both by LumenRadio and Produal.

Publisher: everything RF