Don't Miss Panel Sessions on AI, Machine Learning & 100 Gbps Wireless Links at IMS 2019

Don't Miss Panel Sessions on AI, Machine Learning & 100 Gbps Wireless Links at IMS 2019

At IMS 2019 in Boston this year, there will be three panel sessions covering Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML), 100 Gb/s Wireless Link, and In-Band Full-Duplex. Scholars and industry-specialists are encouraged to join these interactive sessions where they can participate in polls and ask questions to the panelists.

The session will be organized by Osama Shanaa; MediaTek; and Francois Rivet; University of Bordeaux. Osama Shanaa will also act as a Moderator for the session.

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are no longer futuristic concepts. They are already making their mark not only in applications that are purely data-analytics related, but also in communications, transportation, navigation, autonomous driving, finance, e-commerce, gaming, and many more fields. For example, ML/AI have already replaced humans in driving cars/trucks and in store cash registers. With AI also entering our territory of RF system and IC development, should we expect that our jobs as "conventional" designers will soon be taken away? What will future RF systems and ICs be like, with AI being incorporated in them, as well as in the tools used to design them? Our distinguished panelists from the academia, DARPA, CAD/EDA, and RF industries will debate what we may expect to see in the near and distant future, and how we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable realities. You do not want to miss this!

The session will be organized by Omeed Momeni, UC Davis and Ruonan Han, MIT.

The ever-growing demand for higher data speed is already driving the wireless communication technology toward the mm-wave and THz spectrum. The move from Radio Frequency (RF) to mm-wave in the upcoming next generation of mobile cellular communication (5G), backhaul, and WiGig systems are the perfect examples. These systems can ideally achieve several Gb/s data rate across tens of meters. In recent years many research works have shown the feasibility of tens of Gb/s data rates over a relatively short range. A few works have gone further to show that 100 Gb/s or even higher is achievable in a wireless link. Would a 100 Gb/s Wireless link be ever used in a product and be able to compete with other alternatives? If so, how do we get there and what are the future applications? What are the necessary conditions to make this a reality? In this panel we will have expert panelists from a variety of industry and academia backgrounds to share their views on this topic.

The session will be organized by Kenneth E. Kolodziej, MIT Lincoln Laboratory.

In-Band Full-Duplex (IBFD), or Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR), technology has recently been proclaimed as a critical enabler of fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks as well as other applications that were previously considered impracticable.  IBFD systems promise enhanced spectral and network efficiencies but must mitigate their inherent self-interference through a variety of techniques that need to be robust across a diverse set of operating environments.  While many groups around the world have demonstrated systems utilizing these different techniques, only a handful of mature prototypes have been presented for potential large-scale deployment.  In this session, expert panelists from a variety of backgrounds will discuss if IBFD technology will ever leave the laboratory, expand upon its potential deployment hurdles, and debate when it may start to appear in tomorrow’s wireless devices.

Click here for more information on IMS 2019.

Publisher: everything RF