Analyze Spectrum from 8 kHz to 8 GHz Using this Portable Monitoring Receiver

Analyze Spectrum from 8 kHz to 8 GHz Using this Portable Monitoring Receiver

 At the ITU Telecom World in Budapest, Rohde & Schwarz has unveiled the new R&S PR200 portable monitoring receiver. The R&S PR200 is an indispensable tool for regulatory authorities, mobile network operators, police forces, military units and other security organizations. Using the portable receiver, they can search for and analyze known and unknown radio emissions and localize signal sources. The receiver offers various display options, markers and other tools for signal analysis.

With a very wide frequency range from 8 kHz to 8 GHz, or even up to 18 GHz with the HF907DC SHF handheld antenna with integrated down-converter, it is highly versatile. Thanks to its high linearity and effective pre-selection, the receiver is especially suited to handle complex signal environments. To prevent overloading and enable adaptation to any given situation, the receiver also offers automatic gain control (AGC) to attenuate or amplify the input signal.

This portable monitoring receiver is very light weighing only 3.5 kgs and has a battery life of more than 3.5 hours making it the ideal device for the field operations. Thanks to extensive beta-user feedback, Rohde & Schwarz was able to position the PR200 as THE go-to-tool for monitoring spectrum in the field.

The R&S PR200 offers wide-ranging recording capabilities for documentation purposes or subsequent signal analysis. For example, the receiver can record and reproduce all measured values over a prolonged period, such as the amplitude, bearing, spectrum and demodulated audio information of a received signal. A snapshot of the I/Q signal with up to 60 million samples is also possible. Numerous options and extensions for the PR200 support a wide range of applications. Another important feature is the additional DF function in combination with the R&S MobileLocator. Temporarily installed in a vehicle, this combination enables effective geo-location of all radio emissions even in difficult environments, such as dense urban areas.

The R&S PR200 features excellent RF characteristics combined with innovative signal processing and outstanding ease of use. It is the successor to the R&S PR100, with similar appearance, size and weight. However, it is a completely new product and better than its predecessor in many regards. 

Following the R&S EB100, EB200 and PR100, which are already deployed with many customers, the PR200 is the fourth generation of portable receivers from Rohde & Schwarz. It performs signal processing in two separate paths, each with up to 40 MHz real-time bandwidth, enabling simultaneous spectrum display and analysis in the frequency domain, as well as signal display and demodulation in the time domain. It reliably detects signals with duration of 1.5 microseconds, so virtually no signal goes undetected.

Publisher: everything RF