60 GHz WiGig Chipset for Fixed Wireless and Small Cell Applications

60 GHz WiGig Chipset for Fixed Wireless and Small Cell Applications

Peraso Technologies has launched a high-performance pre-802.11ay WiGig® chipset, targeted at fixed wireless access and small cell backhaul applications. The X720 chipset is targeted at a variety of high-performance applications. FWA Equipment using the X720 will reach distances of 1.5 km, significantly higher than anything currently available on the market today. Using a dish configuration for applications such as 5G backhaul, the chipset will be able to achieve 5 km link distances with a throughput of 2 Gbps.

The X720 is a great example of continuous innovation that will fuel higher than average growth in the 802.11-based FWA and backhaul markets that use the 60 GHz band. Based on a number of market research reports, the 60 GHz FWA ecosystem is expected to grow at a 16% CAGR from 2018 to 2024.

Key features of the X720 WiGig Chipset Include: 

  • Pout of 24 dBm for QPSK modulation, the highest power WiGig® compliant chipset ever successfully deployed
  • Support for the entire North American 60 GHz unlicensed frequency band of 57 – 71 GHz, where operation in the 64 – 71 GHz range significantly increases propagation range due to lower level of oxygen absorption than lower frequencies in the band
  • Support for half and quarter channel bandwidth
  • 16 multiplexed Rx/Tx ports for inexpensive phased-array or dish antenna implementations, which enable multi-kilometer links.

The X720 chipset is set to sample in September, with full production slated for Q4 2019. Pricing is available upon request. Click here to learn more about Peraso Technologies.

Publisher: everything RF