2019 Global MilSatCom Conference & Exhibition to be the Biggest Edition to Date

2019 Global MilSatCom Conference & Exhibition to be the Biggest Edition to Date

The SMi Group is set to host the 21st Annual Global MilSatCom conference and exhibition in London on the 5th, 6th and 7th of November at the QEII Conference Centre. This time though, the edition will be of major importance in lieu of UK’s ambitious SKYNET program and the disruptive ‘go fast’ efforts being pioneered in the US and NATO with the signing of a new alliance-wide MOU.

With nearly 600 attendees expected, Global MilSatCom is a key calendar date for satellite professionals across the alliance. Last year’s attendance grew by over 20% and attracted the largest ever geographical spread in its history, with attendees from 35 countries. Broken into 4 dedicated days of content, this year’s meeting is set out to cover mission critical updates from national programs from the US, Europe and the wider international community.

Once again, there will also be a pre-conference Small Satellites and Disruptive Technology Focus Day on the 4th November at St James’ Court, London, which will explore developments in LEO small satellite constellations and how we can exploit these networks to deliver more capability on the ground. The Focus Day will bring together leading commercial solution providers, those at the cutting edge of small satellite R&D (including Oxford Space Systems from the Harwell Science & Innovation Campus) and government end-users – to discuss what future trends in constellation development might have here on the ground.

Highlights of Focus Day:

  • Delivering the Disruptive: Future Launch & Development of Small Satellites by Mr Gary Lay BEng, Director of Strategic Opportunities, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
  • Future Space & Disruption in the Satellite Market by Mr Craig Clark MBE, Chief Scientific Officer and Founder, Clyde Space/AAC Clyde
  • Small Sats, Payloads and Data: Trends in Future Space by Mr Mark Boggett, CEO, Seraphim Capital
  • Meeting the Challenges of the New Space Age by Dr Juan Reveles, Chief Technology Officer, Oxford Space Systems

Critical coverage of the UK’s SATCOM program remains a key reason for attendance at Global MilSatCom. UK MoD presentations on Day 1 of the conference will outline the host nation’s vision for future MILSATCOM capability with presentations at all levels covering: Skynet 5 service delivery wrap, the future of Skynet 6 (which is set to provide the backbone of UK military capability until 2040 and beyond), terminals and more.

Highlights for Conference Day 1:

  • Strategic Developments in SKYNET & Future UK MILSATCOM by Captain David Moody, SATCOM and Strategic Networks, UK MoD
  • The UK’s National Space Strategy - Providing Leadership in the Global Space Market by Dr Graham Turnock, CEO, UK Space Agency
  • SKYNET 5 - the Backbone of the UK’s Current SATCOM Capability by Mr Barry Austin, Skynet 6 Project Manager and Deputy Head of Networks, ISS, UK MoD
  • UK MoD Panel: Concepts of Future Operations (CONOPS) for the UK Under Skynet 5 & Skynet 6 – To be Held Under Panellists: Commander Phil Coope, (Programme Manager, SATCOM and Strategic Networks, UK MoD), Wing Commander David Black (SKYNET 6 EC Lead, ISS, UK MoD), Dr Michael O’Callaghan (Space Programme Manager, Dstl), Ms Deanna Ryals, Chief Partnerships Officer (SMC, US Air Force)

Day 2 of the conference will explore the future of MilSatCom for the United States, analyzing growing requirements, program proceedings and procurement plans. 

Highlights for Conference Day 2:

  • Integrating Commercial Bandwidth and Architectures to Military Communications by Ms Clare Grason, Chief, Commercial Satellite Communications Office (CSCO), AFSPACE, US Air Force
  • Go Global, Go Polar: From Spot Beams to Global High Throughput - Next Generation SATCOM Capability by Ms Nicole Robinson, Senior Vice President, SES Global Government & Managing Director, SES Networks
  • SMC 2.0. Delivering the Capability Demanded by the Warfighter at EPIC SPEED by Ms Deanna Ryals, Chief Partnership Officer, SMC, US Air Force
  • US Enterprise Communications by Mr Joe Vanderpoorten, Portfolio Architect, MILSATCOM Advanced Concepts, SMC, AFSPACE, US Air Force

Finally, Day 3 of the conference will cover key updates from the wider international audience.

Highlights for Conference Day 3:

  • Space Policy of Japan by Mr Hirohisa Mori, Director, National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office of Japan, Japanese Self Defence Forces
  • Canadian MILSATCOM Update by Colonel Cameron Stoltz, Director of Space Requirements, Canadian Armed Forces
  • Roadmap for Future SATCOM: Updates on the Australian Approach to C4i by Mr Luke Brown, Assistant Secretary Space and Communication, Australian Department of Defence
  • Roadmap for Future Brazilian MilSatCom Capabilities by Major General Jose Vital, VP, Brazilian Space Systems Commission, Brazilian MoD

Unparalleled networking will be a key function of the forum, with 16 hours of breaks, two drinks receptions and two (invitation only) conference dinners, hosted by leading industry sponsors, Lockheed Martin, SES Networks, Eutelsat, Airbus. These sessions will bring together those setting requirements, procurement officers and end users to foster new working relationships.

The two exhibition rooms will provide both system integrators and government stakeholders the ability to network with an array of exhibitors. 2019 Sponsors and Exhibitors include: Lead Sponsor: SES Networks, Gold Sponsor: Airbus, Silver Sponsor: Eutelsat, Sponsors: Avanti, COMSAT, GetSAT, GovSat, Inmarsat, Intelsat General, Kratos, Lockheed Martin, Laser Communications Coalition (LCC), Northrup Grumman, Newtec, Oneweb, Raytheon, SES Government Solutions, Telesat, Thales, Viasat, Exhibitors: Datapath, Hytec Inter, Idirect, Inster, Marlink, Media Broadcast Satellite, NovelSat, PlaneWave Instruments, ReQuTech, SCISYS UK, Skyrora, Spectra Group, Teledyne, US Air Force, Xtar.

Set to be an unmissable forum for anyone involved in the diverse array of MILSATCOM, this conference continues to set itself centre stage as it celebrates its 21st birthday. For those interested in attending Global MilSatCom 2019, there is an early bird saving of £100 for places booked before 30th September.

Click here to register.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SatelliteMilitary