The Defence, Security & Space Forum to take place at EuMW 2019

The Defence, Security & Space Forum to take place at EuMW 2019

Held alongside the EuMW event, The Defence, Security and Space (DSS) Forum is jointly organized by the European Microwave Association (EuMA) and Microwave Journal to complement European Microwave Week’s activity in the Defence, Security and Space sector. Each year the DSS Forum focuses on a hot topic that is engaging industry, academia and organizations/agencies to develop, test and implement leading edge technology. In 2019 the topic is: New Radio Architectures: The Evolution for Satellite Constellations.

With the development of the commercial space market being driven by companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic, the market has become more competitive and demanding for communications technology to evolve and innovate. New radio architectures are needed that use less power and have lower latency while still being low cost. Small and nano-satellites are also driving the same factors but to an extreme level for miniature systems.

The development of satellite constellations is growing due to an increase in demand of data rates and data traffic for wireless communications. 6G is expected to achieve Tb/s data rates while the traffic will reach ZetaBytes in 2030 time frame. Proposals are based on the deployment of thousands low-cost micro-satellites in Low-Earth-Orbits for instance (LEO). This pushes the performance towards higher frequencies and much more powerful communication systems.

The RF and Microwave community in this forum will discuss how organizations are responding with new radio architectures to achieve these goals. Keynote speakers will consider the state of the art of leading technologies and systems for satellite constellations, the estimated evolution of technologies and trends and consider expected capabilities and functionalities to address future challenges. The efforts made by the main players in the sector will be analysed and their views on new trends and technological developments will be offered.

The industry session will reflect the effort and investment that is being made to develop and test new radio architectures with improved size, weight and cost. Specific areas of activity include phased arrays, various types of beamforming, different RF partitioning, high efficiency solid state amplifiers, improved heat sinking materials, miniaturized radios and antennas, to name a few. Link and alternatives with respect to optical technologies will also be addressed as a complement to the communication technologies.

From an industry perspective, the emphasis will be on development at component and sub-system level, with particular focus on subsystem integration, not forgetting the significant role that test and measurement has to play in moving the sector forward.

The Executive Forum will present the points of view of the different established and regulatory bodies that allow coexistence between the different aerial platforms and describe the activity of the different players already established and emerging in the field.

Here is the complete schedule of the DSS Forum:

DATE & VENUE: 2ND OCTOBER, WEDNESDAY, Room N01 (8:30 - 18:30)

08:30 - 10:10: EuRAD Opening Session

10:40 - 13:00: Challenges in Satellite Constellations and Impact on the Communications Technologies‘

Moderators: Dr. Patrice GAMAND, ALPHA-RLH Cluster, France and Dr. Erwan FOURN, IETR, France

  • The revival of Constellations in the 21st century: Roadmaps and Technology requirements
  • Emiliano RE. RF systems, payloads and technology division, ESA, ESTEC, The Netherlands
  • How optical innovation and Radio-Frequency team-up for higher satellite communication throughput? Pu Jian, - CAILABS, France
  • The "Space Data Highway" from Babacar SECK, CEO, Leads-Aerospace, France
  • Conference from Jean-Francois Boutillon, Constellation Solutions Line Manager, Thales Alenia Space, France

13:00 - 14:00: Strategy Analytics Lunch & Learn Session – Global Satellite Market Outlook: Eric Higham will discuss the global market outlook for both military and commercial satellites underpinned by a discussion on how the emergence of small satellite buses and LEO constellations will change the make-up of satellite communication systems. He will cover specifics such as new architectures including phased arrays and solid-state technology.

14:10 - 15:50: Microwave Journal Industry Session: This session offers a perspective on how industry is aiming to design, develop and test radio architectures and the challenges that need to be addressed to implement them. Various trade-offs in radio architectures will be covered along with solid state technologies, phased arrays and packaging concerns. Company presentations include:

  • High Throughput Satellites – Test & Measurement Challenges for the next generation Communication Satellites – Rohde & Schwarz
  • Advanced GaN and GaAs Technologies Providing RF Capabilities for Satellite Systems – Qorvo
  • New generation of GaN MMICs for SATCOM and Electronic Warfare from X- to Ka-band – OMMIC
  • RF and Mixed Signal Test Trends for the New Generation of Satellite - National Instruments

16:20 - 18:00: Round Table: Concepts, Technologies and Systems Addressing Ultra-High Capacity and Data TraffiC for Future Wireless Communications

Moderator: Dr. Patrice GAMAND, ALPHA-RLH Cluster, France and Dr. Erwan FOURN, IETR, France. Speakers Include:

  • Jan THOEMEL, GomSpace, Luxemburg, Head of Satellite Operation
  • Babacar SECK, Leads-Aerospace, CEO
  • Emiliano RE, ESA, Radio Frequency Systems Division
  • Jean-François BOUTILLON, Thales Alenia Space, Constellation Solutions Line Manager
  • Guy KOUEMOU, HENSOLDT, Technology Manager
  • David ALLOUX, CAILABS, Engineering Manager

18:00 - 18:30: Cocktail Reception: The opportunity to network and discuss informally the issues raised throughout the Forum.

Registration and Programme Updates

The registration fee is €20 for those who registered for a conference and €60 for those not registered for a conference.

Click here to view our complete coverage of the EuMW 2019 event.

Publisher: everything RF