Dual Band GNSS Module Provides Centimeter Level Accuracy

Dual Band GNSS Module Provides Centimeter Level Accuracy

Taoglas has unveiled the new Edge Locate™, a GNSS L1/L2/E5 module that combines the antenna, RF electronics and receiver technology to deliver reliable centimeter-level positioning. The Edge Locate Module features a high precision GNSS antenna along with the u-blox ZED F9P module and when coupled with the Edge Assure RTK Service for precise positioning, can deliver proven accuracy down to just 1.4 cm.

Traditionally, most IoT devices use single band GPS technology delivering on average a accuracy of 10-meters. Taoglas, in partnership with u-blox, has created a “smart antenna” which uses multi-band GNSS technology, to provide between 1 to 3 centimeter-level accuracy.

With Edge Locate, manufacturers can quickly and effectively build devices with centimeter-level positioning technology, without having to invest in costly and lengthy RF design, integration and testing processes. The device features multi-band Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning that can be used in conjunction with cost-effective real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning capability. This enables location-specific, mission-critical services such as emergency response, smart infrastructure, precision agriculture and microbility mobility applications where precise location provides critical value to the IoT application. Taoglas can also consult and install the RTK network in any global location for any IoT use case. 

Edge Locate can accelerate GNSS multiband product launch plans by offering a plug-and-play product that uses a common connector for integration into any electronic device. It also connects directly to the Taoglas Edge board for immediately connectivity options.

Taoglas exhibited the Edge Locate at Mobile World Congress Americas.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GNSSIoTRF Module