List of RF/Microwave Events Affected Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak

List of RF/Microwave Events Affected Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak

The recent global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has has a serious impact on businesses worldwide, including the RF/Microwave industry. Companies all over the world have reported a slowdown amid the safety concerns of their employees and customers. And with global health bodies including the WHO recommending against large social gatherings, in order to minimize the risk of spreading the virus, major conferences, expositions as well as sporting events have been either cancelled or postponed.

The RF/Microwave industry in itself saw some of the major events being cancelled in the past months, the most prolific one being the MWC Barcelona 2020 event which was scheduled to happen in February. EDI CON China 2020, another major event of the industry, scheduled to take place on May 12-13 in Beijing, China, has been rescheduled to September 27-28. Other major events too, have now announced their plans to cancel or postpone/re-schedule the events. We have compiled a list of all the major RF/Microwave events which have been cancelled or have been postponed/rescheduled, this year:

5G Global Expo 2020CANCELLED

GOMACTech 2020

IoT Tech Expo Global 2020

emv 2020

IEEE World Forum-IoT 2020POSTPONEDTo Be Announced
IoT FUSE 2020To Be Held Virtually
24th Annual Components for Military & Space Electronics Conference & Exhibition 2020CANCELLED
Navitech 2020POSTPONEDNovember 2-6
Small Satellites 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 1-2
EDI CON China 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 27-28
August 3-5
Space Tech Expo USA 2020POSTPONEDAugust 10-12
IWCE 2020POSTPONEDAugust 24-28
Military Space Situational Awareness 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 3-4
NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 8-10
IEEE RFID 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 9-11
RFID Journal LIVE! 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 9-11
IoT World + MtoM Embedded 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 23-24
RF & Microwave 2020POSTPONEDSeptember 23-24

We will keep updating the list as and when new announcements are made. You can visit the event websites for queries related to registrations, refunds, reschedules or others.

In the mean time, in this period of global epidemic, we advise you to take due care of your health and maintain proper hygiene as well as social distancing to avoid the risk of spreading the virus.

Click here to view the WHO Guidelines for up-to-date information on security, health, safety, additional tips and recommendations.

Publisher: everything RF