The SG 64 from Microwave Vision Group is a Multi-Probe Antenna Measurement System with a frequency range from 70 MHz to 18 GHz. It supports near-field/spherical and far-field measurements, has a dynamic range of 70 dB, and a measurement time of less than 3 minutes for 11 frequencies. This system can measure a variety of parameters including sidelobe levels, front-to-back ratio and 1D/2D/3D radiation patterns in any polarization (linear or circular), antenna efficiency, and more. It supports a DUT of size up to 2.73 m with a weight of up to 5 kg (on polystyrene mast), 25 kg (on fiberglass mast), and 50 kg (on metal mast).
The SG 64 uses analog RF signal generators to emit EM waves from the probe array to the antenna under test (AUT) and vice versa. It uses fast and accurate sources and receivers and also drives the electronic scanning of the probe array. This multi-probe system performs OTA measurements through the radio communication tester and performs oversampling with elevation tilt using a goniometer. The amplification units amplify the signal on transmission/reception channels to achieve optimum dynamic range and a transfer switching unit is used to switch between the emission and reception modes of the AUT. It is ideal for CTIA certi?able measurement facilities, testing antennas and wireless devices, and measuring standalone antennas or antennas integrated in subsystems.