The XT981HL14 from Maury Microwave is an Automated Tuner that operates from 1.8 to 8 GHz. It has an impedance matching range of 10:1 to 25:1 and an insertion loss of 0.3 dB. This impedance tuner can handle a CW power of 250 W, a peak envelope power of 2.5 kW, and has a vector repeatability of -40 dB. It has a step size of 7.8 microinches (probes) and 234.4 microinches (carriage). This automated tuner uses patented XT Tuner technology for faster mechanical movement, tuner characterization and VSWR test.
The XT981HL14 has linear encoders on the horizontal axis to ensure accurate carriage positioning and improve repeatability by 5-10 dB. It is available in a benchtop module that measures 335.0 x 177.8 x 260.4 mm and has 7 mm connectors.