The 12061x from CellMax Technologies is a 10-Port Antenna that operates from 698 to 960 MHz (low band) and 1695 to 2690 MHz (high band). It has been designed to maximize high-band coverage, to achieve better load-balancing, and high throughput, which are relevant when upgrading existing sites with new frequencies. This antenna also reduces dropped calls for people on the move and increases overall subscriber satisfaction. It provides a gain of 16 dBi (low band) and 19 dBi (high band). This 10-port antenna has an azimuth beamwidth of 68° and an elevation beamwidth of 12.4° with an electrical downtilt range from 2° to 12°.
This RF antenna has a cross-polar discrimination of more than 20 dB and a first upper sidelobe suppression of 16 dB. It can handle an input power of up to 500 W (per port) and has a VSWR of 1.50:1. This antenna is available in an ASA radome enclosure that measures 1906 x 409 x 225 mm and has 4.3-10 (female) connectors. It is ideal for indoor penetration, urban coverage, load balancing, and rural coverage applications.