The PS-360-DC-3 OPTION 618-15D-10BIT from Quantic PMI (Planar Monolithics) is a 10-Bit Digitally Controlled Phase Shifter that operates from 6 to 18 GHz. It has a phase shift range of 360° in 1024 steps with an accuracy of ±15° (peak to peak) and a switching speed of up to 500 ns. This phase shifter can handle an input power of up to +20 dBm and has an insertion loss of 10 dB. It provides a carrier suppression of 18 dB, a sideband suppression of 15 dB, and has harmonics of -25 dBc. The phase shifter requires a DC supply of +5 V or from -12 to -15 V and consumes less than 115 mA of current. It is available in a module that measures 1.60 x 1.75 x 0.50 inches with SMA-female (field removable) input/output connectors.