The SLSM6-1623 from Luff Research is a Single Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Frequency Synthesizer that generates output signals from 16 to 23 GHz. This synthesizer has a PLL IC, amplifiers, local oscillators with TCXO, an integrator, and a power divider. It delivers an output power of +15 dBm, has a phase noise of less than -88 dBc/Hz (at 10 kHz offset), and has a frequency step size of 1 kHz. This PLL synthesizer uses a 10 MHz internal or external reference, has a spurious level of -60 dBc, and harmonics of -17 dBc. It requires a DC supply of +5.5 V and consumes 1 A of current.
The SLSM6-1623 is available as a module that measures 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.63 inches and has a Serial RS485 interface for frequency control. It is ideal for communications, radar, and instrumentation applications.