The ANN-MB2 from u-blox is a Multi-Band GNSS Antenna that operates from 1166 to 1285 MHz for L/L1 bands and 1535 to 1602 MHz for L5/L2/B3/E6 bands. It is a combination of a patch antenna and an RF front end. The patch antenna delivers a gain of 4.2 to 5.4 dBi and has an efficiency of 50-64%. It has an RHCP polarization and an axial ratio of 0.5 to 2.9 dB (Zenith). The RF front-end consists of an LNA that delivers a gain of up to 31.5 dB and has a noise figure of 2.5-3.0 dB. It has an in-band group delay of less than 8 s and an out-of-band rejection of 40-65 dB.
This GNSS antenna requires a DC supply of 3-5 V and consumes 15 mA of current. It is available in an IP67-rated screw/magnetically mount package that measures 108.5 x 92.9 x 24.7 mm and has a 5 m long RG174 cable with an SMA plug connector. This antenna is ideal for challenging environments that require centimeter-level accuracy and reliable RTK positioning.