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The LNF-LNC4_8G from Low Noise Factory is a Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) that operates from 4 to 8 GHz. It provides 40 dB of gain with a noise figure of 0.02 dB and a noise temperature of 1.5 K. This LNA uses LNF’s proprietary InP HEMT technology and has an MMIC design that ensures minimal unit-to-unit variation. It has been designed to be operated in a vacuum environment when the surrounding temperature is below the dewpoint. This LNA requires a DC supply of 0.6 V and consumes 13 mA of current. It is available in a non-hermetic module that measures 17.00 x 15.80 x 7.80 mm and has SMA (female) connectors.
450 W Solid State Power Amplifier from 18.0 to 26.5 GHz
500 W GaN-on-SiC Power Amplifier Pallet from 1160 to 1305 MHz
500 W GaN-on-SiC Power Amplifier Pallet from 1555 to 1610 MHz
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