The MMA052AA from Microchip Technology is a GaAs MMIC pHEMT Self Biased Power Amplifier that operates from DC to 26 GHz. It provides a gain of 15 dB (±0.7 gain flatness) with a noise figure of 3.5 dB, has a P1dB of 26 dB and an IP3 of 35 dBm at 18 GHz. The amplifier can handle up to 24 dBm of input power and consumes 235 mA of current when operating on a 10 V supply. It is DC coupled and features RF I/O ports that are internally matched to 50 Ω. The MMA052AA amplifier is available as a die that measures 3 x 1.5 x 0.07 mm and is suitable for applications such as Test and Measurement Instrumentation, Military, Space, Wideband Microwave Radios and Microwave & mmWave Communication Systems.