The RFE-24M30M1K7X+ from Mini-Circuits is a Solid-State Power Amplifier (SSPA) that operates at 27.12 MHz. This SSPA provides 1660 W (P1dB) of output power with a power gain of 22 dB and an efficiency of 80%. It utilizes the latest generation of semiconductor technology and can amplify both CW and pulsed signals. This SSPA includes a temperature-compensated gate bias circuit with built-in temperature and current monitoring functions and has an on-board emergency switch that can be triggered with an external TTL signal to switch OFF the power amplifier in the case of too much reflected or dissipated power. It requires a DC supply from 50 to 66 V.
The RFE-24M30M1K7X+ includes a USB Type-C connector to remotely control the amplifier and has a mounting baseplate with an integrated water channel to provide cooling under difficult operating conditions. It is available in a lightweight module that measures 7.993 x 3.772 inches with SMA and N-type connectors. This SSPA is ideal for use in chemistry, RF-excited lasers, semiconductor RF generators, disinfection, microwave-assisted chemistry, plasma generation, plasma surface treatment, food processing, industrial heating, materials processing, and medical applications. The amplifier comes with M5 screw holes to mount the amplifier to a chassis in larger systems and enables easy screw-on power supply connections that are available outside the shield.