The ZX60-123LPN+ from Mini-Circuits is a Low Phase-Noise Gain Block that operates from 0.05 to 10 GHz. It provides a gain of 16 dB (gain flatness of ±0.9 dB) and has an output P1dB power of up to 16.9 dBm. This gain block has a directivity (isolation-gain) of 11.9 dB (@ 10 GHz), an additive phase noise of -168 dBc/Hz (at 10 kHz offset), and a noise figure of less than 5.8 dB. It is fabricated using GaAs HBT technology that provides extremely low additive phase noise and offers excellent gain flatness over a broad frequency range. The gain block requires a DC supply of 5 V and consumes less than 65 mA of current.
The ZX60-123LPN+ is available in a rugged module that measures 30.00 x 18.80 x 11.68 mm with SMA (female) connectors. This gain block supports a wide variety of applications requiring moderate power output and low distortion and is ideal for use in base station infrastructure, test instruments, MMDS & Wireless LAN, SATCOM, avionics, and low-phase noise applications.