The BTS6302U from NXP Semiconductors is a Pre-Driver Amplifier that operates from 2.3 to 5 GHz. It delivers a saturated output power of 27.9 dBm with a gain of over 35 dB and has a noise figure of less than 3.8 dB. This amplifier has fast on-off switching to support TDD systems and has an ACLR of -43 dBc for high-linearity performance. It requires a DC supply of 5 V and draws under 120 mA of current. The amplifier is available in a 16-terminal HVQFN package that measures 3.00 x 3.00 x 0.85 mm with ESD protection on all terminals. It is ideal for wireless infrastructure 5G NR MIMO, high linearity pre-driver, and TDD system applications.