The VWA 5000083 AA from Vectrawave is a Traveling Wave distributed amplifier RF Amplifier that operates from DC to 70 GHz. It delivers a saturated output power of more than 12 dBm with a small signal gain of 8.5 dB. This amplifier is designed on a 0.15µm GaAs pHEMT process and integrates a VD internal access that allows the user to bias the drain access through the drain resistor load helping to avoid an external Bias-T structure. It requires a DC supply of 5 V and consumes 75 mA of current. This MMIC amplifier is available in a package that measures 1.516 x 1.328 x 0.1 mm and is ideal for wide band MZM Drivers (NRZ), PAMX, QPSK), radar / ECM / ECCM, test and measurement, and broadband / datalink communication applications.