The X4BD130LTI from TTM Technologies is a Balanced-to-Unbalanced Transformer that operates from 9.2 to 16.15 GHz. It can handle a CW input power of 1 W, has an impedance ratio of 1:2, and an insertion loss of less than 1.0 dB. This Balun has an amplitude balance of ±1.0 dB and a phase balance of ±12°. It is designed specifically for Texas Instruments’ AFE7950 and ADC12DJ5200RF chipsets. This RoHS-compliant transformer has a non-conductive surface for reliability and has an operating temperature range from -55 to +140°C. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 1.69 x 0.94 mm and is ideal for 5G applications. This Balun is constructed using ceramic-filled PTFE composites, which results in excellent electrical and mechanical stability.