The AQA-2156 from Marki Microwave is an amplified 4x Frequency Multiplier with an input frequency from 5.25 to 14 GHz and output frequency from 21 to 56 GHz. The multiplier provides an output power of 20 dBm with +0 dBm input power, and offers superior harmonic suppressions. It requires a DC bias of +4/-5 V.
This multiplier consists of an input buffer amplifier, doubler, 2nd buffer amplifier, 2nd doubler, and an output amplifier, and is capable of providing sufficient LO drive for Marki H- and S- diode mixers. It is available in a module with 1.85 mm and SMA Female connectors and is ideal for high-frequency synthesis, LO drive for S-diode mixers, and LO signal chain applications.