The BOVXE Series from Bliley Technologies are Oven Controlled Oscillators (OCXO) that operate from 10 to 120 MHz. They provide a Sine/CMOS output with a phase noise of -155 dBc/Hz @10 kHz offset (10 MHz freq.) and have frequency stability options of ±20, ±50, ±100 ppb. These oscillators have a maximum warm-up time of 3 minutes, a rise/fall time of less than 5 ns, and a duty cycle of 50%. They have spurious levels below -70 dBc and harmonics of better than -40 dBc. The oscillators require a DC supply of 3.3/5 V, consume less than 3.5 W of power during start-up, and 1.5 W of power in steady-state mode. They are available in an SMT/through-hole packages that measure 28.7 x 26.2 x 12.7 mm.