The HCD280 from Golledge is an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) that operates from 30 to 100 MHz. It has a frequency stability of better than 500 ppb per year and a temperature stability of up to ±10 ppb. The OCXO provides a sine wave or CMOS output with harmonic distortion of -30 dBc and a spurious of less than -80 dBc. It has three different phase noise profiles (A, B, and C), including close-in phase noise of -105 dBc/Hz @ 10Hz, and an excellent phase noise floor of -170 dBc/Hz @ 10kHz (profile C). The oscillator requires a DC supply of 3.3-12 V and consumes less than 4 W of power. It offers excellent short-term stability, fast warm-up time, and provides enhanced phase noise performance. The HCD280 is available in a hermetically sealed package that measures 25.8 x 25.8 x 13 mm and conforms to MIL-STD-202 standards for shock, vibration, and humidity specifications.