The Series 785 from Flann Microwave are Orthomode Transducers (OMTs) that operate from 33 to 220 GHz. They provide an isolation of 40 dB, have a cross-polarization of 35 dB, and an insertion loss of 1 dB. These OMTs are bi-directional that allow signals to be sent from, or received at, the rectangular ports via an antenna supporting dual polarization (at the common port). They offer high performance as demanded by the current communication systems in which good polarization purity and isolation are paramount. The OMTs have two rectangular ports on adjacent faces and a common circular port (square port option available). These transducers are available in an enclosure with multiple waveguide configurations and are ideal for polarization duplexing, dual-polarized antennas, CATR (compact antenna test range), and 5G/6G test applications.