The PLDRO-25000-10 from Luff Research is a 25 GHz Phase-Locked Dielectric Resonator Oscillator (PLDRO). It provides an output with a power level of 15 dBm and a phase noise of -125 dBc/Hz (at 1 MHz offset). This PLDRO can be configured to operate with either an external reference from 50 to 120 MHz or an internal crystal oscillator. It has a feature that when the input reference is removed, the internal reference TCXO (±0.5 PPM) is automatically used as the reference. This oscillator has spurious levels of -70 dBc and harmonics of -20 dBc. It requires a DC supply of 5.5 V and consumes 850 mA of current. It is available in a rugged module that measures 2.25 sq. inches and is thoroughly burn-in tested.