The COM-G90G9316K+ from Mini-Circuits is an 8-Way 0°/180° Power Splitter/Combiner that operates from 900 to 930 MHz. It is designed to maximize the efficiency of high-power amplifiers and generators working in the ISM 915MHz band. This power splitter has an insertion loss of 0.1 dB, a phase unbalance of 1 degree, and an amplitude unbalance of 0.1 dB. It can handle up to 20 kW of power and has a VSWR of less than 1.22:1.
The COM-G90G9316K+ is a non-isolating combiner and does not have internal isolating resistors. It has a differential architecture that helps to improve EMI and minimize size. This power splitter/combiner is available in a module that measures 336.6 x 332.0 mm and has 7/16 DIN Female connectors at the combining ports and a WR975 waveguide with CRPF flange at the splitting port. It is ideal for RF energy generators, industrial heating, plasma generators and magnetron power splitter applications.