The SignalShark Outdoor Unit from Narda Safety Test Solutions is a Real-Time Outdoor Remote Spectrum Analyzer that operates from 8 kHz to 8 GHz. It supports automatic direction finding and localization via AoA (Angle of Arrival) and TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival). The analyzer has three switchable RF inputs and an RF front-end module that offers outstanding sensitivity and has a wide dynamic range. It can be powered by a DC supply and has an integrated LTE gateway. The analyzer uses a single Ethernet cable for data communication and power supply and calculates FFTs of up to 16,384 points with at least 75 % overlap. This means that every signal event, even if it is extremely short and infrequent, is reliably detectable. It has automatic DF antennas. The spectrum analyzer is integrated with a statistical localization algorithm that allows the localization of transmitters based on AOA. It is available in a rugged and weatherproof IP65-rated die-cast aluminum housing, which is also used as a heat sink and is ideal for outdoor spectrum monitoring applications.
It is designed and manufactured in Germany.