The FPLNMNFAP36 from NexTek is an RF DC Pass Fine Protector that operates from 400 to 2700 MHz. It is designed for surge and lightning protection applications where a DC pass is required to power the electronics. This protector can handle a surge current of up to 25 kA and a multi-strike current of 15 kA. It can handle a maximum RF power of 300 W (RMS), a maximum DC voltage of 36 V, and a DC current of up to 4 A. This DC pass protector unit offers excellent surge/lightning suppression for various wireless infrastructure and cellular sub-systems. It is available in an IP67-rated bulkhead-mount module with Brass/tri-metal connectors and is ideal for GPS, tower-mounted amplifiers, 4G/5G communication systems, land mobile radio, distributed antenna systems (DAS), and public safety applications.