The T2G6000528-Q3 from Qorvo is a GaN-on-SiC HEMT that operates from DC to 6 GHz. It delivers a saturated output power of 40 dBm (~10 W) with a linear gain of 17 dB and PAE from 50 to 53 %. This transistor requires a DC supply of 28 V and consumes less than 650 mA of drain current. It is constructed with a proven TQGaN25 production process, which features advanced field plate techniques to optimize power and efficiency at high drain bias operating conditions. This optimization can potentially lower system costs in terms of fewer amplifier line-ups and lower thermal management costs. It is available in an industry-standard air cavity package and is suitable for military and civilian radar, land mobile and military radio communications, avionics, and test instrumentation. It can support both CW and pulsed operations.