The RAFS (Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard) from Safran is a state-of-the-art ultra-stable atomic clock that provides excellent stability. It’s designed with the latest technologies, providing advanced features, such as long lifetime, high reliability, lightweight and ultra low phase noise, for next-generation space applications.
The Rb clock essentially consists of a voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) which is locked to a highly stable atomic transition in the ground state of the Rb87 isotope. While the frequency of the VCXO is at the convenient standard frequency of 10 MHz, the Rb clock frequency is at 6.834 GHz in the microwave range. The link between the two frequencies is done through a phase-stabilized frequency multiplication scheme whereby a synthesized frequency is admixed to enable exact matching.
The Rb clock essentially consists of a voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) which is locked to a highly stable atomic transition in the ground state of the Rb87 isotope. While the frequency of the VCXO is at the convenient standard frequency of 10 MHz, the Rb clock frequency is at 6.834 GHz in the microwave range. The link between the two frequencies is done through a phase-stabilized frequency multiplication scheme whereby a synthesized frequency is admixed to enable exact matching.