The ALNA-Ka Series from Advantech Wireless are Low Noise Amplifiers that operate in the Ka-Band from 18.2 to 21.2 GHz. They provide a gain of 50 dB with noise temperature from 100K to 120K (at 23°C with input isolator) and have a gain variation over the operating temperature range of 3 dB (peak to peak). These LNAs are based on HJ FET technology and deliver high linearity in weather-proof housing that can withstand installations in severe environmental conditions. They require a DC supply from 11 to 15 V (option for up to 24 V) and consume less than 250 mA of current.
The ALNA-Ka Series amplifiers are available in modules that measure 135 x 37 x 41 mm (with input isolator) with WR42 grooved waveguide input interface and SMA-female output connector. These LNAs have an operating temperature range from -40°C to +60°C and are designed for Ka-band satellite signals reception.