The HPA 2500B from ND SatComGmbH is an outdoor Tri-band Power Amplifier that operates from 5.85-6.425 / 7.9-8.4 / 13.75-14.50 GHz. It delivers unmatched TWT durability and reliability through an intelligent high-tech power supply unit. The amplifier delivers an output power of over 325 watts and a TWT power of 500 watts with a gain of over 70 dB. It measures 649 x 294 x 233 mm and is available with an N-type jack at the input and a WRD 580D28 waveguide interface at the output. It is ideal for satellite communication applications. All RF parameters can be monitored and controlled remotely. The modular construction ensures easy servicing. The high voltage section is potted and all other electrical components are coated to protect against humidity and dust.