The S12MPS from OML is a 6x Frequency Extension Module that converts input frequencies from 10 – 15 GHz to output frequencies from 60 – 90 GHz. This frequency extension module is designed for portability and field applications and is well suited for lab environments. It connects to the output of a signal generator allowing for a high performance source for DUT characterization activities.
The frequency extender delivers an output power of up to 13 dBm with in-band spurious levels of -15 dBc and has a VSWR of less than 3.0:1. It is available in a module that measures 53.8 x 94.5 x 41.7 mm with an SMA-female input connector and WR-12 output waveguide interface. The extender requires a DC supply of +12 V and consumes less than 0.5 A of current.