The SDR-1001 from CesiumAstro is a Software-Defined Radio (SDR) that operates from 300 MHz to 6 GHz. It has four 100 MHz receive channels, four 100 MHz transmit channels, and a state-of-the-art customizable FPGA fabric that enables a user-defined communication system. This SDR is field-updatable and has a redundant boot flash with automatic failover. It has onboard telemetry reporting for temperature, power consumption, rail voltages, and error. This radio features a Cesium general-purpose modem that has a selectable data rate of up to 62.5 MSym/s and supports BPSK/QPSK modulation schemes. It also supports DVB-S2X, LTE-grade waveforms, etc. high-order modulations and has forward error correction & burst mode.
The SDR-1001 requires a DC supply from 9 to 13 V. It is available in a compact module that measures 50 x 84 x 13 mm with SpaceWire and UART interfaces and is ideal for military and commercial applications on LEO satellites and airborne platforms and demanding digital signal processing and communications applications.