The MASW-011029 from MACOM is a AlGaAs SP3T pin diode switch that operates from 75 GHz to 100 GHz. It has an insertion loss of 1.3 dB with an isolation of 33 dB and a switching speed of 2 ns. It is available as a die and is ideal for applications in satellite communications, millimeter-wave radar, 77 GHz automotive cruise control radar, and 94 GHz imaging in astronomy, defense, and security applications.
It is manufactured using MACOM’s patented AlGaAs PIN Diode MMIC process, on a semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The device is fully passivated with silicon nitride and has an additional layer of BCB for scratch protection, during automated or manual handling. This device has 100 um gold plated bonding pads at all RF and DC ports.