WBA Annual Industry Report 2021

  • Forecast Period: 2020-2021
  • Published On: Nov 2020
  • Type: PDF
  • Customizable: Yes

According to a Wireless Broadband Alliance cross-industry survey of service providers, equipment manufacturers, and enterprises, almost four out of five (79%) have adopted or plan to adopt the WBA OpenRoaming standard. As the Wi-Fi roaming standard was only introduced in late May 2020, this demonstrates a very rapid and widespread acceptance of WBA OpenRoaming in less than six months. This survey finding is one of many insights explained in the Annual Industry Report from the Wireless Broadband Association – the worldwide industry body dedicated to improving Wi-Fi standards and services. 

The vision for WBA OpenRoaming is that the world will become a single, giant Wi-Fi network, allowing billions of people and their devices to connect automatically and securely to millions of Wi-Fi networks around the world. Users will be able to roam from location to location without the need for logins, registrations, or passwords. High-profile backers of WBA OpenRoaming include AT&TBoingoBroadcomCiscoCommscopeGoogleIntel, and Samsung.

  • 95% of the comms industry say that Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E will be important to their business, with 65% saying they have deployed or will deploy Wi-Fi 6/6E before the end of 2021.
  • 67% said that the convergence of Wi-Fi 6 and 5G would be very important or critical to their future business plans.
  • Roaming is the number one monetization strategy for 2021 with 45% placing it in their top three choices, followed by offload (38%) and analytics (32%).
  • 57% believe that multi-access edge computing (MEC) will lead to new use cases for Wi-Fi in the future.
  • Smart cities represent the primary vertical use case being targeted by the comms industry about Wi-Fi, with 56% saying that it is one of their top targets. This is followed by retail (39%) and education or campus networks (39%).

During the lockdown, traffic patterns inevitably shifted from an office setting to a home setting, with many cellular and broadband providers seeing massive, sustained increases in traffic across residential areas. The stability of Wi-Fi has arguably been the unsung hero of this situation – it has kept a lot of things moving and working at a time when failure would have resulted in a much bleaker situation for people and business.