2021 Bluetooth Market Update

  • Forecast Period: 2021-2025
  • Published On: Apr 2021
  • Pages: 30
  • By:  ABI Research
  • Type: PDF
  • Customizable: Yes

For the past few years, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has worked closely with leading analysts to compile and deliver an annual report that highlights Bluetooth technology trends and forecasts. Featuring new market insights and industry forecasts from ABI Research and other analyst firms, the recently released 2021 Bluetooth Market Update examines the market impact of COVID-19 on Bluetooth device shipment forecasts, outlines updated trends in key Bluetooth solution areas, and spotlights emerging Bluetooth use cases that will drive future growth.

COVID-19 Market Impacts 

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a global health crisis like no other and continues to impact all aspects of our work and lives. Few industries were untouched by COVID-19. Some markets remained resilient while others are just beginning to recover. And while 2020 resulted in a year of flat growth across many Bluetooth markets, analysts expect to see annual growth resume as we move through 2021.

Updated Forecasts and Trends

Despite the one-year shift in forecasts due to the pandemic, annual shipments of Bluetooth enabled devices to prove to be resilient and continue to grow. By 2025, annual Bluetooth-enabled device shipments will exceed six billion.

The influence of Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) will drive much of that growth and will have a sizable impact on the market. Bluetooth LE supports a range of new features, from direction finding to LE Audio, leading to its saturation in platform devices. With Bluetooth LE in 100 percent of phones, tablets, and PCs, the number of devices supported by Bluetooth Classic is reaching a plateau.

Emerging Bluetooth Use Cases

According to the newly released update, analysts predict that Bluetooth Audio Sharing will become the next-generation assistive listening system (ALS) as Bluetooth technology continues to drive audio accessibility for all. Soon, public gathering spaces – including conference centers, movie theaters, airports, places of worship, and more – will deploy Bluetooth Audio Sharing to increase accessibility for people with hearing loss, and Bluetooth Audio Sharing will become the modern, high-quality, low-cost ALS.

The new trends showcased in the 2021 Bluetooth Market Update highlight the direction of Bluetooth technology – including recent advancements in commercial connected lighting, what use cases will drive continued growth in Bluetooth Location Services, and the impact of the upcoming adoption of LE Audio.