RF GaN Device Market Forecast

  • Forecast Period: 2020-2025
  • Published On: May 2021
  • Pages: 29
  • By:  Strategy Analytics

The Strategy Analytics Advanced Semiconductor Applications (ASA) and Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) report “RF GaN Device Market Forecast: 2020-2025” shows the revenue from RF GaN-enabled devices experienced another year of fast growth, increasing by close to 30 percent in 2020 to cross the $1 billion barrier for the first time. 

The report identifies base station and defense applications as the prime drivers for this RF GaN revenue growth. It forecasts that the long-term prospects for RF GaN revenue growth look good, with 5G base station and defense applications pushing revenue to almost $2 billion in 2025.

“Base stations continue to be the largest and fastest growing opportunity for RF GaN revenue,” noted Eric Higham Director of the Advanced Semiconductor Applications (ASA) and Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) services. “Last year saw Huawei continue their aggressive buying patterns for base station deployments in China as a buffer to US trade sanctions.” He went on to say, “We may see some short-term volatility depending on China’s 5G deployment plans, but the fundamentals for RF GaN devices in commercial and defense applications remain strong and I expect revenue to approach $2 billion by 2025.”


1. Executive Summary (3)

2. Introduction (4)

3. RF GaN Market Forecasts (5)

    3.1 Overview (5)

    3.2 GaN RF Device Market: 2020-2025 (7)

    3.3 RF GaN Market Segmentation (10)

        3.3.1 Commercial RF GaN Segmentation Trends (13)

        3.3.2 Defense RF GaN Segmentation Trends (20)

    3.4 RF GaN Substrate Trends (24)

4. Analyst Contacts (28)


Exhibit 3 1 RF GaN Device Historical Revenue (6)

Exhibit 3 2 RF GaN Device Revenue Forecast: 2020 - 2025 (8)

Exhibit 3 3 Historical GaN Device Revenue Segmentation (10)

Exhibit 3 4 RF GaN Device Revenue Forecast Segmentation (12)

Exhibit 3 5 Commercial RF GaN Revenue Segmentation Forecast (14)

Exhibit 3 6 Defense RF GaN Revenue Segmentation Forecast (22)

Exhibit 3 7 RF GaN Revenue Forecast Segmentation by Diameter (25)

Exhibit 3 8 RF GaN Revenue Forecast Segmentation by Material (26)