Delta to Wye/Star Conversion Calculator

Use Delta to Wye/Star Conversion Calculator for the conversion of any delta resistance network into a star/wye network by simply entering the respective resistances of each node in the delta network.


  • R1
  • R2
  • R3
Formula for Delta to Wye/Star Conversion Calculator


 Ra, Rb, Rc are the delta connected resistances as mentioned in the figure

 R1, R2, R3 are the star connected resistances as mentioned in the figure

A three-terminal electrical network comprises of a star or delta resistor network. Resistances in such a network are neither parallel nor series. Because of this, using series and parallel circuit transformation methods would not directly simplify it. A mathematical method that streamlines these networks is the transformation from Delta to Star or Star to Delta. So, a star network is converted into delta and vice & versa for ease of circuit resolution which can be done with the help of this calculator.

Simply enter the delta network resistance values in this calculator to convert the resistance values to its star network resistance equivalent.

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