Gain Uncertainty due to Mismatch Calculator

Calculate the uncertainty in gain of an amplifier due to the mismatch in impedance. Enter the return losses, isolation and gain then click on calculate to get the minimum and maximum uncertainty on gain of any active device that arises due to mismatch.

Enter return loss, Gain and Isolation to calculate gain Uncertainty

Note: Click on the Image to better understand the input parameters

  • dB
  • dB
  • dB
  • dB
  • dB
  • dB


  • Min Uncertainty
  • Max Uncertainty
Formula for Gain Uncertainty due to Mismatch Calculator


RLs = Source return loss 

RLi = Input return loss 

RLo = Output return loss 

RLl = Load return loss 

G= Gain of the Calculator

ISO = Isolation 

What is gain uncertainty due to mismatch calculator?

This calculator is used to calculate the uncertainty of gain for any active RF device (mostly amplifier) that occurs because of the impedance mismatch. Just enter the value of source return loss, input return loss, output return loss, load return loss, device gain, and isolation then the calculator will compute the minimum and maximum gain uncertainty for any active device.

What is the gain uncertainty of a device?


Gain uncertainty due to impedance mismatch

The gain uncertainty arises due to impedance mismatch between the device and another connected device (e.g., load, source). This impedance incongruity leads to the performance deterioration in active device parameters such as efficiency, gain etc. 

Thus, gain for an active device gets deviated because of this mismatch which leads to unstable gain delivery and performance instability. This instability can be rectified to an extent by premeditating the variation of gain of an active device when it is placed in transmission line configuration, which can be done easily by using this calculator.

Return loss of a system is defined as the ratio of incident power to reflected power and is a crucial factor which determines the impedance matching level in any RF transmission line. Return loss should be high valued as it inculcates low reflected power in the line. So, the source and load return losses at either side of the device are considered and along with the return losses the isolation is also required for calculation which is an important measure of signal directionality and port loss in RF signal path. Finally, the gain of the amplifier is entered and the minimum and maximum threshold of gain variation is calculated.

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