Spectrum Analyzer Extenders

56 Spectrum Analyzer Extenders from 5 manufacturers listed on everything RF

Spectrum Analyzer Extenders from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download Datasheets, Compare products and Request Quotations. Your Inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors who will get back to you with a quote.

Description:WR-2.8, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 260 to 400 GHz
Operating Frequency:
260 to 400 GHz
IF Frequency:
0.0001 to 22 GHz
LO Multiplication Factor:
12, 48
Waveguide Size:
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Description:WR-10, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 75 to 110 GHz
Operating Frequency:
75 to 110 GHz
IF Frequency:
321 MHz to 2.4 GHz
Output Power:
20 dBm
Input Power:
12 to 17 dBm
Waveguide Size:
Conversion Loss:
6 to 40 dB
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Description:WR-06, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 110 to 170 GHz
Operating Frequency:
110 to 170 GHz
IF Frequency:
10 to 2200 MHz
LO Multiplication Factor:
Input Power:
13 to 17 dBm
Waveguide Size:
Conversion Loss:
12 to 17 dB
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Description:WR-2.2, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 330 to 500 GHz
Operating Frequency:
330 to 500 GHz
IF Frequency:
0.0001 to 22 GHz
LO Multiplication Factor:
12, 48
Waveguide Size:
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Description:WR-08, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 90 to 140 GHz
Operating Frequency:
90 to 140 GHz
IF Frequency:
200 MHz to 2.4 GHz
Output Power:
20 dBm
Input Power:
12 to 17 dBm
Waveguide Size:
Conversion Loss:
6 to 39 dB
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Description:WR-15, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 50 to 75 GHz
Operating Frequency:
50 to 75 GHz
IF Frequency:
10 MHz to 2.2 GHz
LO Multiplication Factor:
Input Power:
10 to 15 dBm
Waveguide Size:
Conversion Loss:
9 to 14 dB
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Description:WR-0.65, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 1100 to 1500 GHz
Operating Frequency:
1100 to 1500 GHz
IF Frequency:
0.0001 to 22 GHz
LO Multiplication Factor:
54, 108
Waveguide Size:
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Description:WR-19, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 40 to 60 GHz
Operating Frequency:
40 to 60 GHz
IF Frequency:
321 MHz to 2.4 GHz
Output Power:
20 dBm
Input Power:
12 to 17 dBm
Waveguide Size:
Conversion Loss:
6 to 32 dB
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Description:WR-10, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 75 to 110 GHz
Operating Frequency:
75 to 110 GHz
IF Frequency:
10 MHz to 2.2 GHz
LO Multiplication Factor:
Input Power:
10 to 15 dBm
Waveguide Size:
Conversion Loss:
9 to 16 dB
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Description:WR-1.5, Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Extender from 500 to 750 GHz
Operating Frequency:
500 to 750 GHz
IF Frequency:
0.0001 to 22 GHz
LO Multiplication Factor:
18, 72
Waveguide Size:
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What is a Spectrum Analyzer Extender?

A Spectrum Analyzer Extender is used to extend the operating frequency range of an existing spectrum analyzer to the frequency of interest. This eliminates the requirement for new spectrum analyzers for different and upcoming technologies. These extension systems are usually compatible with most existing equipment and also don’t require to be reconfigured to extend their analysis capabilities.

everything RF lists Spectrum Analyzer Extenders from the leading manufacturers. Use the parametric search tools to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Once you find parts that meet your specification, download the data sheet, compare products and request quotations. Inquiries sent via everything RF are directed to the manufacturers who get back to you with a quote or information.


Operating Frequency


Output Power (dBm)


LO Multiplication Factor


Waveguide Size
