Anokiwave Behind the Curtain - Part 3 - Standing Apart and Enabling Customers to Succeed

5G and SATCOM communications are changing the way in which we communicate and paving paths to extraordinary opportunities.

Anokiwave’s belief is that starting in 2022, the mmW 5G will reach a crucial point where market demand will begin to exponentially rise and a tipping point will be reached where demand will balloon, creating a continual, upward curve. To support this influx in demand and surge in 5G use cases, critical mmW infrastructure will be required in abundance.

Anokiwave is dedicated to enabling OEMs to succeed in the mmW 5G market with key mmW 5G innovations that provide critical market solutions. The success of mmW 5G is dependent on the right combination of innovation and cost-effectiveness. A successful company will therefore have four key characteristics: it will be an innovator and a visionary; it will have a reputation as a reliable supplier; it will be easy to do business with, and deliver attractive pricing.

This is the third installment of a four-part series that looks behind the curtain at Anokiwave to see the magic behind our solutions and what makes us stand apart from others.