mmWave D-Band Phase Noise Measurements for 6G and AD
In this video, Brooks will show you how to easily make D-Band mmWave phase noise measurements to 170 GHz using a Keysight phase noise system coupled with external mmWave hardware from VDI:
- Keysight N5511A Phase Noise Test System (PNTS) with cross-correlation enabling sensitivity down to kT (-177 dBm/Hz)
- VDI waveguide mixers used as phase detectors (in quadrature) to cancel the carrier for superior initial dynamic range and significantly reduced measurement time
- Low-cost, easy-to-use solution that allows "plug-and-play" VDI waveguide components to be directly added to the baseband inputs of the PNTS system and seamlessly extend the frequency range to 170 GHz and beyond